お茶の通販・京都おぶぶ茶苑ブログ おぶログ



今度のインターン生はシンガポ-ル人のフレイヤとアズラン インドネシアから来たアズランです!



私はバーミンガムの大学の卒業生です(graduated last November, just before I come to Obubu),専攻は経営管理とコミュニケションをあります。

何故おぶぶ茶園え行った:まず、日本の文化と茶を大好きです。身体と精神的なウエルネスを宣伝する。それから、I want to use tea to promote health.





Name : Azlan Sofyan
Age : 22 years
Country Origin : Indonesia
University: Monash University
Major: Marketing Communication
Future Plans: Coming from a business family, I definitely want to have my own organisation one day. Although I am still not certain which market should I take part in, I do have a plan to open up a tea & coffee cafe as a side business. Interesting enough, coffee and green tea consumption are rising in my homeland, believing me that it would be a great opportunity for me to open one there.
Why come to Obubu:
    Growing up as manga and anime lover has piqued my interest in Japanese culture since I was in middle school. Through surfing the internet, I gained more and more appeal towards the culture, creating a dream of me living in Japan one day.
    Furthermore, as a tea drinker, I wanted to learn more on green tea since I have been drinking black tea whole my life. Back in my country, We don’t have a lot of green tea shops, and Japanese restaurants only serve ‘ocha’, or you can say Sencha, and Matcha. Knowing that there are more than 2 types of green tea motivates me to discover the rest.  With the knowledge I will acquire in Obubu, this could help me on opening up my tea & coffee cafe in Indonesia.
   Another fascinating point is that Indonesian are trying to fuse Matcha with our local sweet treats, creating a trend to the young generation. This tells me that there is a potential for me to educate and give them an experience of trying all the different types of green tea available.

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